Where Are Our Steps to Freedom?

Maria Gregoriou
2 min readJul 22, 2021
Photo: Georgos Chysanthou

Where is this pathway to freedom?

Where are the upward steps,

leading to our ultimate kingdom?

Hiding under decades of decay?

In a direction lost on a signpost

tangled in overgrown branches,

pointing the way?

Maybe the path has been washed away

by a tide thrashing and raging for years

in anticipation of a second independence day.

Or is it paved only in video games?

In a virtual world where the soul

won’t even weigh a few grams.

In a world where you can die and die again,

what ‘palikari’* would rejoice in it happening but once,

as a means of speaking to generations of men?

Where are the upward climbing steps to our freedom?

They have been taken, raped, stolen,

they have been sold for an immeasurable sum.

*Greek word meaning ‘admirable lad.’ The word is also a call out to the Greek Cypriot hero Evagoras Pallikarides.

